The Porgstar! Story

Arthur Porg here!

Thank you for visiting Porgstar! We appreciate you taking the time to stop by. If you’ve clicked on the Porgstar! Story page, I’m guessing you’d like to learn a little more about us, what we do, and why we do it. Heck, you might even want to meet the fantastic Porgstar! team. Of course, you may have clicked on this page by accident. In that case, might I recommend visiting our Giving Back page, or maybe even our Terms and Conditions Page? The T&C page is a particular favorite of mine.

The idea for Porgstar was created in late 2017 after we porgs started migrating to Earth. Ford and I met when we jointly adopted our human, Jim. Through our travels with Jim, we found that we love this planet. There is so much to do and experience here. Yet as we spent more time on Earth, we began to miss certain aspects of our distant home. We started to wonder how we could share with humans some of what we loved about our home. Our home planet fandoms if you will.

One particular human fandom behavior that stood out is a seemingly universal love of t-shirts. All you humans wear them. At first, we thought it was because you were cold, which makes sense as you don’t have feathers. Then we realized it was because A) t-shirts are comfy, and B) you can print really cool designs on them. 

We soon realized that we could celebrate many of the things we missed through fun t-shirt designs! But there was a problem…

We’re porgs, so we’re tiny. Tiny bodies. Tiny wings. Except for Ford’s ego, that is. It’s rather large, well pretty much huge. Thankfully, it turns out that our human happens to have what we didn’t, such as fingers, the ability to use a computer, talk to other humans, etc. 

With Ford’s bravado, my penchant for business and navigating bureaucracy, and Jim’s ability to create, we decided to start Porgstar! This venture allows us to share with you many of the fandoms we porgs love and miss. Our hope is that something here resonates with you. By wearing one of our designs, don’t be surprised if random porgs come up to you with tears of happiness. Nothing makes a porg quite as happy as seeing a reminder out in the wild of what we chose to leave behind.

Arthur Porg

Meet Porgstar!

Ford Porg
Co-founder of Porgstar!
“Myself, in a word? Obviously, scrumtrulescent!”

Outgoing, charismatic, fearless, and tremendously creative, Ford fancies himself something of an adventurous mind, to brilliant to bother with the tediousness of thinking things through. (That’s what Arthur is for.) But where he lacks interest in if something might go terribly wrong, he makes up for with the sheer determination of nonchalance. Next!
Arthur Porg
Co-founder of Porgstar!
“Leave this to me. I’m a Porg. I know how to queue.”

Quiet and refined, Arthur prefers to stay behind the scenes at Porgstar, making sure that projects are suitably planned and completed. Since landing on Earth, Arthur has acquired a rather large affinity for tea, Oreos, and Disneyland churros. 
Company doggo

Daggit may look like a tiny sentient AT-AT made out of LEGO, but he is actually a small sentient AT-ACT made out of LEGO. We rescued him the 2018 LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar. 
Porgstar! Controller
“It is said that one should keep one’s allies within view, and one’s enemies within reach.”

Thrawn isn’t really an employee at Porgstar!, but since arriving, he keeps showing up at meetings and eating our cookies. We haven’t the heart to ask him to leave, so we gave him a title and let him occasionally make decisions that Ford ignores.
IT Support
“I lost my hammer!”
Much like Thrawn, Thor just started showing up. Even with a title, he doesn’t actually do anything. We just gave him the title so he’d stop moping around, and it makes him feel good.
Our human, Jim Furey
The one who does most of the work
“Hey guys, we really should do this.”

No need to spend too much time on Jim, as he has work to do. That work might include art direction, photoshoots, Photoshop, Illustrator, WordPress, writing music, chauffeuring, cooking, research, wrangling Ford, and just about anything else we porgs are too small for.